We work with private and public sector employers and organisations in Africa to develop and deliver a range of employment and training solutions designed to build and enhance
professional skills.
With our extensive experience of doing business in Africa, we are well placed to promote international best practice in people management and development, capacity building and governance within the operating and cultural context of Africa today.
Interims for Development’s official African launch took place in Ghana in April 2003 and the company continues to develop strong partnerships and networks across sub-Saharan and South Africa.
"We view Interims for Development as a way to reverse the flow of skills from Ghana to the developed world: it replaces the brain drain with a mechanism for 'brain gain'. We welcome this initiative becomes it ... provides the expertise necessary for the long-term social stability, progress and competitiveness of Ghana in the global marketplace."
Hon.Mr. Kwamena Bartels M.P., Minister of State for Private Sector Development, Ghana
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